Friday, September 26, 2008

Well, for starters...

So this is the first in a series of blogs with the express purpose of enlightening you, the reader, with my opinions and experiences arising from the University life.
In order that you can understand my opinions, you should really learn a little about me and my reasons for coming here in the first place as I believe context is all important. I came here after a two year tour of Alberta trying to establish myself in a career with a two-year degree in Theater Production and wide-eyed innocence found only in those who have never paid for their living accommodations. At the beginning, I was eager, confident and believed that I would get a career for myself before I had a chance to unpack. Two years, three moves and five jobs later, I had a slightly more realistic outlook on my future. I have learned the value of appreciating how young I truly young I still am while acknowledging that I am not getting any younger and with this in mind, I took the money I saved in the high paying jobs of the western boom economy and applied for an English honours degree here with hopes of becoming a teacher.
However, I also realize the folly of over-structured plans and so I am not setting any ideas of a career in stone just yet. Already I have been talking with a professor in a psychology course about some of my ideas about childhood development and I am starting to develop an interest leaning toward counselling more than teaching; but as I am still in my first year, I still have plenty of time to decide on such things.

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